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               Lockdown Boredom               Lockdown Boredom               Lockdown Boredom              Lockdown Boredom

Creative Director / Photographer:
Karin Rosie Viilup, @rozarosie
  First ever zine created by Karin Rosie Viilup on fall-winter 2021.

  During the 3rd global lockdown Karin Rosie got stuck in Estonia, and had to finish her final uni semester there. It happened to be an extremely cold and snowy winter, beautiful white fields and icy surroundings. To capture all this, she took a number of photos in the castle park close to her family house, and turned the content into a zine.
This zine’s design and layout is inspired by Ryan Tippery’s graphic illustrations. Ryan has said the following about his artworks, ‘This collection of work stems from a desire to mix organic line work with minimal shape-driven compositions. Each piece was created working within the same constraints to see how many variations I could develop.’


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