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               Street Art             Street Art             Street Art             Street Art

Artist & Video Editor:
Karin Rosie Viilup, @rozarosie
Fellow Artists:
Rob Halhead, @rob_halhead; Boxie, @boxie1970
Locations: Rishikesh (India) @thebeatlesashram;
Fuji (Japan) @runningbarehostel;
Okayama (Japan) @kamp_gh

 A selection of the best wall art created during Karin Rosie’s seven-month-long travel across a number of Asian countries  (Indonesia, Philippines, India, Japan and Korea).

An idea to start creating murals and street art came from Karin Rosie’s partner Rob who is an animator and a graphic designer. He has an extensive experience in wheat pasting on the streets of London and Bristol.

Wheat paste is an adhesive made from wheat flour and water. It’s used for projects like découpage, papier maché, and mainly for putting up posters on the streets. It is an inexpensive way to create wall art.
As Karin Rosie likes mixing mediums, it was decided to put together some murals consisting of hand-drawn sketches and digitally composed collages. The main inspiration for the designs comes from Japanese no-masks and from Balinese religious sculptures.

The majority of the artworks were put on hostels’ walls or on abandoned buildings.

 Down below can be seen 3 of the best murals put up in Japan and India.


 Location: Fuji City, Japan
 Artists: Rob Halhead, @rob_halhead;
Karin Rosie Viilup, @rozarosie

Here can be seen the process of creating a mural in Fuji City,  Japan, for a hostel called @runningbarehostel.

 Some of the designs were printed out in sticker size and were pasted on the walls of Hiroshima, Okayama and Fukuoka.

 A full video documenting this mural-making can be seen here: @rozarosie

Location: Okayama, Japan
Artists: Karin Rosie Viilup, @rozarosie

Here can be seen the process of creating a mural in Okayama, Japan, for a hostel called @kamp_gh.

 Some of the designs were printed out in sticker size and were pasted on the walls in Okayama, Naoshima art island (mainly known for @yayoikusama_ sculptures) and Hiroshima.

                      A full video documenting this mural-making is going to be posted soon here: @rozarosie.

Location: Rishikesh, India
Artists: Rob Halhead, @rob_halhead;
Karin Rosie Viilup, @rozarosie

 Here can be seen the process of making wheat paste and a few behind-the-scenes shots of creating a mural in Rishikesh, India @thebeatlesashram.

 The Beatles travelled to Rishikesh in 1968 to study transcendental meditation. During their stay, the Beatles wrote more than 30 songs. After their meditation course, Rishikesh gained popularity amongst Westerners and is now know as the world capital of yoga and meditation.

A full video documenting this mural-making can be seen here: @rozarosie

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